work practice
Samu is a physical form of meditation practice and includes such daily tasks as cleaning, sweeping, gardening, scrubbing floors, dusting, etc. Like zazen, it is an activity in which you merge completely with the task at hand. It is an opportunity to extend and deepen one’s practice outside of the zendo.
Around AZC there are always chores to be done. Regular samu practice happens every Saturday morning following bagels and coffee. This typically includes light house-keeping around the meeting room and facilities, sweeping the breezeway etc. Occasionally, there are extended samu sessions, usually on Saturdays, in which larger maintenance and grounds projects — painting, weeding, preparing for a large event — are undertaken.
Please bring a hat, gloves and sunscreen. Even short periods of time produce results. Your help is greatly appreciated. Gasshō!
Samu should not be practiced during the regular zazen schedule.