Noon Zazen
A Spot at the Pond
Thus shall you think of all this fleeting world: A bubble in the pond, flickering shadows, and flowering irises.
Join us for a mid-day open sit - Thursdays and Sundays - as we set aside a time to slow our world down and engage with each moment as it arises ... outside and at the pond. Note, there will be no zazen in the event of rain, temperatures below 40 degrees, and very high winds.
Sitting Schedule
- 11:45: Start of 1st sit
- 12:05: End of 1st sit, start of kinhin
- 12:10: Start of 2nd sit
- 12:30: End of 2nd sit
As this is an open sit, participants are invited to join and leave as their schedule permits. And, as we are sitting outside, participants can expect the following changes to traditional zendo protocol:
- Hats are encouraged
- Sunglasses are permitted
- Feel free to brush away the occasional pest (discretely).
Zabutons (mats) and a small selection of zafus (cushions) will be available from the zendo. As the sitting options will be somewhat limited with respect to seiza benches and chairs, if you have special needs, please email Jim in advance.
New to Zazen?
Instruction provided as needed.