Our Zen community practices and works together for the mutual benefit of the sangha. In its largest sense, all living beings make up our sangha. Because of this, we dedicate our practice to all our relationships -- with family, communities, and all of the natural world. May we, by awakening together, become one and live in peace.
As a non-profit community Zen Center we are supported solely by donations from our members. If you are not already a member, please consider becoming one. Membership includes access to the extensive AZC library, discounted rates for retreats and special events. We are very grateful for your support!
Payments can be made online via PayPal, online direct credit card, or checks mailed to:
Albuquerque Zen Center
2300 Garfield Ave. SE
Albuquerque, New Mexico. 87106
Online Membership Donations (Debit, Credit, PayPal)Select the Appropriate Membership Level according to whatever suits your situation the best. All membership levels give you access to our extensive library collection, as well as discounts for retreats and special events. In addition, all members can request private meetings with Jeong Ji Roshi at times mutually agreed upon. |
NOTE, when you click on one of the above membership levels, you will be taken to a PayPal screen. You do not have to have a PayPal account to donate online. If you do not have a PayPal account or you simply want you use a debit or credit card, select the 'Donate with Debit or Credit Card' option. Last, recurring payments will not be set up if you use the debit or credit card option.
If you would like to make a non-recurring donation of any amount to AZC, please click here. Please specify the type of donation you are supporting. Thank you.